Region’s leading CSR organisation holds prestigious Annual Awards event
ME NewsWire
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Saturday, November 1st 2014
The organisations that have made the most effort over the past 12 months to ensure a sustainable future for the region were honoured last night at the seventh Arabia CSR Awards Ceremony, which was held at Grosvenor House, Dubai.
“Once again the Arabia CSR Network pays tribute to those organisations that over the year who have championed CSR as an integral part of their DNA,” said Mrs. Habiba Al Marashi, President and CEO, ACSRN. “The winners and runners up in each category are certainly worthy recipients of their accolades.’’
This year there were a total of six categories for organisations to enter, divided between the private and public sectors. For the private sector, there were classes for small-sized enterprises with less than 99 employees, medium-sized companies with between 100 and 499 employees and large-sized enterprises with more than 500 employees. There was also a New Business category open to organisations of any size that have been established for less than three years. This was done in a conscious attempt to encourage young organisations to embrace CSR from an early stage.
Qatargas picked up the first place for private sector organisations in the Large Category, having deemed to have made the greatest strides in affecting sustainable solutions for the region. National Petrochemical Industrial Co. collected the top honours in the Medium Category, while British Orchard Nursery was placed first in the Small Category. EngageMe, a communications strategy consultancy, won first place in the Best New Business Category.
For the public sector, Emirates Transport was awarded first place after impressing the judges with their policy of limiting the consumption of resources, their reduction of emissions and their commitment to disposing of waste through safe methods, among others. Under Partnership Projects, Morocco-based BMCE Bank took the top spot.
Key highlights of the event also included the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Arabia CSR Network and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the launch of a multi-sector partnership initiative called ‘’Sharaka’’- the Arab Partnering Alliance.
Editors Notes:
About the Arabia CSR Network
The Arabia CSR Network a Professional Organization established in the UAE in 2004, is devoted to advancing the Principles and Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Arab region. It is a multi-stakeholder platform to network, learn and share experiences and knowledge in matters of Corporate Social Responsibility. The Arabia CSR Network was the first GRI certified training partner for the Arabic speaking Middle East countries. The Arabia CSR Network promotes, encourages and recognizes responsible business practices through a bunch of services and offerings including trainings, research and best practice, advisory service, third party assurance and a Pan-Arab acclaimed award initiative known as the Arabia CSR Awards. For more information, please visit . For further enquiries please email as at
Hiba Salah